

Brapa lama waktu seorang perempuan buat rebound dari heart-broken situation?? 2 weeks? a month?? a year ??? are there any boundaries that said how long?? ga cuma ngomongin orang yang baru putus ya...hal ini termasuk saat lg brantem ato ada mslh dalam hubungan..

Klo dilihat dr tmn gw Ms. Bunny dan ex'nya "B", posisi Ms. Bunny masi mourning dari her previous relationship with "B" sampe skarang..dan itu uda lama bgt semenjak their relationship was over a year ago... setelah 1 tahun si Ms. Bunny masih rada susah untuk masuk ke fase Rebound dari relationship'nya.. well, apparently si "B" itu masi keep contact Ms. Bunny once in a while..

Tapi beda lagi sama yang dialamin Ms. Harmony... they still in their relationship.. but suddenly sumthing came up and now they didnt talk to each other... and after couple of weeks turns out Ms. Harmony is in doing her rebound quite well..and they didnt breakup.. well maybe just taking a break..but not breaking up.. and yet, she's doing her rebound quite smooth..

Jadi brapa lama waktu perempuan bisa kluar dari masa berkabung dalam suatu hubungan? brapa lama waktu yang diperluin untuk nyadar "reality check wake-up call" ??


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