

I'm back..!! haven't been writing bout my Christmas... so,

MERRY CHRISTMAS ya'll !! and have a great NEW YEAR too !!
cant believe it's almost 2009.. what are ya'll doing on your Christmas??

Mine was great tho'..went hunting for PSP for my nephew.. with my dad and Big..
The great thing is, on Christmas day i spent my day with two people i love the most..

Thank You Lord Jesus...and Happy birthday to You My Jesus..



.:Happy Mother's Day, Mommy:.

There will be no enough space on papers, or even in this world..to describes your kindness, your understanding, your patience, your guidance, your supports, your protections, your caring, your tenderness, your prayers, your unconditional LOVE..

Thank You Jesus,
for given me the best Mommy !! in my life.

..I LOVE YOU Mom..

Thank you Mommy..
.For everything.



.BUSH Ducking on shoes ATTACK.

December 14th 2008

A new History was made today..

Can you imagine the "almighty" US President was hit by shoes?? He ducks.. *unfortunately*

So Bush was on his stop-off in Iraq and in the opening of press conference with the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki at Salam Palace, when this brave journalist took his shoes off and throws them at Bush..!! nice move fella !!

Here it is..enjoy !!

I wonder what will happened IF the shoes really hit him TWICE.. *Bush got lucky this time*
For you guys out there who always wanted to throws shoes at Bush, here's your chance..!! lets throws some shoes at Bush!! hahaha click this --> HIT BUSH!!

Now Al-Zeidi *the brave Iraqi journalist* was caught and jailed, but thousands of Iraqi lawyers wanted to get him out from jail. The great news is he's the new HERO in Iraq.

I hope no one will throw shoes on Obama..




December 15th, 2008, The Ritz Carlton - Kuningan Hotel, Jakarta

Brenna Mei Rusli Wong S.si

I finally GRADUATE !!!

Today is one of the most happiest day in my life!!! i finally did it!! i finally finish my formal educations..Mom, Dad..Thank you for the timeless support and prays for me all the time..
Thank you for being the best parent.

To all my friends at The London School of Public Relations - Jakarta, especially to all of my classmates in class 8 -1a and MKT 8-1c..
My friends, thank you for all the joys, the unforgettable stories, the bond that we have, the time we shared in sadness and happy times. Thank you for being there with me.
Thank you for the fabulous friendship that we built together..
Thank you for letting me be part of these friendship..
Thank you for the fabulous and precious moments that we've shared together..

So let our friendship be forever, my friends.

Thank you for:
My whole family - Mom, Dad, Sis, Bro, Bro Peter, Craig, Wade, Aunt Felicia, Grandma & Grandpa; for the support, love and faith in me.
My Big and The Chandranugitos - for your understanding, the time you've spent with me, your support and prayers. Thank you for coming to my graduation ceremony.ILU.


Years that past through time
We're still one of the best
Where education and friendship are the soul
Remaining strong for just everyone of us
We always try to be better at LSPR
All for one at LSPR
The London School of Public Relations



.My dream Christmas wish list.

- Snow Globe -

- Snowy Christmas-

- Christmas with my BIG -

- Black Diamond -

- a black Vespa -

- Black E71 hand phone -

- Chirstian Loubotin shoes -

- My own Giraffe -

- a black Christmas tree -

*because i am a BIG dreamer .. * ^^



.Kepiting ASAP : BUY 1 GET 1.

TKP (Tempat Kejadian Perkara) : RASANE (KEPITING ASAP)

Menu makan malam hari ini untuk 3 orang:
1 Kepiting Asap (jantan biasa a.k.a tanpa telor dan bukan jumbo)
1 Buncis Oat <--- keras banget nih buncis.. 1 Ikan Gurame Goreng Kering 3 Nasi putih 2 Es teh tawar 1 Es Jeruk Kelapa Muda *setelah makan 15 menit..tau2 tuh kepiting uda abis..*

Dad: "panggil kepiting 1 lagi yu..??"
Mom: "rada kenyang jg sih..tapi nanggung..lu mau ga ??" (sambil liatin gw..)
Me: "boleh..!! hajarrr bleh !!"
Dad: "skalian deh sama Es teh tawar 1 lagi.."

+/- 5 menit kemudian..datanglah es teh tawar dan si kepiting asap ronde ke 2 di meja 4 resto ini..

Mom : (ngomong ke gw) "inget ama kebaya lu yaa..jangan tar ga bs pake pas fitting.."
Me : "iye..iye.." (padahal neh perut uda rada penuh ... tp apa daya, kasian kepitingnya..uda tewas, klo ga dimakan makin kasian..merasa rada maruk sih..)

Bokap akhirnya ke meja kasir..abis bayar langsung ke parkiran, tanpa nyamperin meja lg..

Mom : "lha!! si papa uda duluan...!!"
Me : "yaaa gw kan masi mau minum...ya udah lah.."
(me n my emak buru2 nyamperin bokap ke mobil..)

--di mobil--
Dad : "lu pada nae ke mobil lama amat sih??"
Me : "papa aje yg buru2..gw kan masi mau minum.."
Dad : "masalahnya si kasir cuma ngitung kepiting kita 1..yg tambahan kepiting ama es teh tawar yg trakhir ga keitung..jadi kta td makan cuma 170 ribu.."

*Mommy's panic mode ON*
Mom : "haaa??!?!?! mana receipt'nya ??.. *lg dy liat2, gw jg kepo ikutan liat dr bangku penumpang blakang..* iih beneran lho...gratis!!! 1 kepiting plus 1 es teh tawar..!!"
Me : "yaa..salah tuh kasir ama tuh waitress brarti.."
Mom : "mereka tau gak ya klo kta ga bayar..??? perasaan mami ga enak nih.."
Dad : "pastilah !! paling2 tar kta di cegat pas kita muter lewat pintu depannya.."
Mom : "hah ??? serius ah !!"

*mak gw mulai halusinasi nih kayanya...her panic mode ON makin gawat..*
(pas lagi mau muter tiba2 ada orang nyebrang..pas depan mobil gw..)

Mom : "tuh kan!! tuh kan !! kta dicegat disuruh bayar..!!!"(panic abis m
ak gw..)
Me and Dad : "HAHAHAHAHA...!!!!" (LOL)

pas lewatin depan restoran, bokap buka kaca mobil dan treak kenceng..*
Dad : "woy !! meja 4 dapet gratis kepiting asap sama es teh tawar..!!!!!!"
*mak gw berusaha menenggelamkan diri di kursi penumpang depan...*

What a great dinner with a great family...
Note for the Restaurant: I'm Sorry... *oops*
Thank You Lord Jesus for the foods (and the bill) we had today..please bless the chef, the waitresses, especially the free crab...Amen..



.Wake up, Love !!.

.December 3rd 2008.
07.00 am - Good morning !!!

Wake up in love my Big... on our 17 months together..

I made my wish..

..to pursue our future together...our dream..

May God bless us abundantly..
