

December 15th, 2008, The Ritz Carlton - Kuningan Hotel, Jakarta

Brenna Mei Rusli Wong S.si

I finally GRADUATE !!!

Today is one of the most happiest day in my life!!! i finally did it!! i finally finish my formal educations..Mom, Dad..Thank you for the timeless support and prays for me all the time..
Thank you for being the best parent.

To all my friends at The London School of Public Relations - Jakarta, especially to all of my classmates in class 8 -1a and MKT 8-1c..
My friends, thank you for all the joys, the unforgettable stories, the bond that we have, the time we shared in sadness and happy times. Thank you for being there with me.
Thank you for the fabulous friendship that we built together..
Thank you for letting me be part of these friendship..
Thank you for the fabulous and precious moments that we've shared together..

So let our friendship be forever, my friends.

Thank you for:
My whole family - Mom, Dad, Sis, Bro, Bro Peter, Craig, Wade, Aunt Felicia, Grandma & Grandpa; for the support, love and faith in me.
My Big and The Chandranugitos - for your understanding, the time you've spent with me, your support and prayers. Thank you for coming to my graduation ceremony.ILU.


Years that past through time
We're still one of the best
Where education and friendship are the soul
Remaining strong for just everyone of us
We always try to be better at LSPR
All for one at LSPR
The London School of Public Relations


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