

Pernah liat PANCASILA bahasa inggris??

Ini buat para bule2 yang tinggal dan uda jadi warga negara di Indonesia, biar pada blajar dan tau dasar negara kita INDONESIA..!! *patriotisme ciiingg..* ^^

Liat Sila ke 4 deh..bahasa Inggris cuma bilang..

"Democracy led by the wisdom of deliberations among representatives."

Berikut ini menandakan betapa ribet, rumit dan berbelit2nya bahasa Indonesia..

"Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat, kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan, perwakilan."

Apa ini ikut menjelaskan betapa rumitnya pemerintahan Indonesia??

Menurut kamu ???



Huckabee said...

oh hell yeah it is! since before we even born.. it has always been complicated.. generations thru generations. it's fucked up! that's just how it is. and i shall not put a finger on JUST the government.. i shall say the people in it too! Their actions of protesting the government resulting in NOTHING .. because they only complain like banshee without any effort to get their hands dirty to actually change thingss! . what u reckon ?

8renna lee said...

ma reckon?? i'm a good citizen with a high patriotic sense, trying to build this f*cking country to a better place to live in.. so wanna join me and come home to this sin city a.k.a ur birth place?? cmon there.. don't hold up..build this country together.. ;)